
Thursday, August 8, 2019

Finding the Light in the Tunnel

Entering the tunnel
      A few months ago I was fortunate to run a half marathon with an incredible, life long friend.  We ran for about 1/2 mile and then entered an old railroad tunnel that went on for 2 1/2 miles.  They had given us flashlights at the beginning.  We had tested them out and everything appeared to be working well.  We entered the tunnel, I turned my flashlight on and still could not see a thing.  My flashlight was super dim and I began to seriously wonder if I was going to be able to endure for that far.  I stayed as close to my friend as I could and just tried to hang on following her lead.  A short while later, just as I was beginning to panic just a bit,  I reached up to wipe the sweat off my face and realized I had my sunglasses on! You can imagine how things brightened up once I took them off.
      This got me thinking how often do we get caught up in the excitement of a new relationship that we put blinders on because we don't want to lose that excitement and we don't see the things as clearly as we should be. Things that we should really be watching for early on; those red flags, things that just don't feel or seem right, those gut feelings.  I remember one time following a group of friends though a crowded area, I was so focused on the excitement and not losing them that I did not pay attention to where I was going.  Once we stopped I looked up and realized I was right in the middle of a place I did not want to be. Even though I was not in any immediate danger, I was terrified by the way it made me feel.  This can happen pretty easily in a relationship too, when we fail to take off the blinders and look up, we could possibly end up with something we do not want or a place where we do not want to be, which can be pretty scary.  The good news is once we remove the blinders and look up we are able to see things as they are good and bad.
      Once I took my sunglasses off in the tunnel, my flashlight provided me warning about potholes, dripping water, puddles, creatures and things in my path. Without it I would of struggled, probably fallen, possible gotten hurt and who knows if I would of found my way out. Even though it wasn't easy, it guided me to my destination safely. In relationships we not only need to remove the blinders, but add the light of prayer and inspiration to  provide us a warning of things that could potentially harm us and it will guide us in the direction we need to go with it.  As long as we follow this everything will be ok.
Exiting the tunnel

     It sounds crazy, but once I was without sunglasses and could see the light of my flashlight to follow I actually enjoyed the tunnel. It was challenging and exciting at the same time.  The same is true with a new relationship, we can keep the excitement, just lose the blinders, look up and enjoy the journey.


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